THE SCHOOL OF Critical Design
Next Design & Business

Come create the future with us

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Applied Speculative Design

Welcome to the School of Critical Design. We are an experimental design school dedicated to the application of emerging methods (like speculative design) to innovation, research, design and strategy.

We have over 15 years of experience applying speculative design methods to help organizations better understand the possibilities of and design the future.

Our professional and academic courses and workshops, lectures and community, all offer new ways for individuals and organisations to meet the critical challenges facing our planet, people and businesses now, and the for next 1000 years.

Come and explore the future with us.

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What is Speculative Design?

Speculative Design is the design of future products and services to understand the impact and implications of emerging technology and social or cultural trends.

Speculative Design is a discipline that seeks to help us understand anew our current state by exploring futures possibilities.

Speculative Design is closely related to critical design, design futures, or design fiction, with these variations emerging from the particular focus, interest, or intent of the designer.

Speculative Design disconnects design from the immediate needs of the business, industry, or the marketplace, and lets us use design to ask new kinds of questions, and create new kinds of value for the organization.

Speculative Design can enhance organizational decision making, by de-risking future possibilities, creating new context, and by generating empathy for future customers / citizens / employees / people / planet.

Speculative Design can work in research, strategy, product, service, and system contexts, in both innovation and development, and across various industries, both tech and non-tech focused.

Speculative Design is a radical expansion of purview, that reframes our current state options. By "closing the loop" we return from the explored future to a better understanding of product, investment, and research opportunities available to us today.

Speculative Design is in a normalizing phase of adoption, with companies and organizations training individuals, bringing the capabilities in house, and embedding futures practice into their process and decision making.

We are dedicated to the acceleration of this normalization, giving individuals and oranizations the tools and confidence to apply speculative design in their particular context and create new kinds of meaningful value.

More Courses
Speculative Design Introduction
September 16, 17, 18 _ 2024

£ 1,000 

3 live virtual sessions, 3 hrs each

Speculative Design Masterclass
Nov 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 _ 2024

£ 1,500 

5 live virtual sessions, 3 hrs each

Place Futures
Enroll Now

£ 250 

46 Online Lessons / At your own pace


Interested in bringing speculative design or other emerging innovation approaches into your wider organization?

Skill up your team

We can run any of our open enrollment courses or lectures as a dedicated session for your organization or in-house teams.

Custom Experience

We can develop custom topic and futures explorations for your organization.

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New ways into complexity

We explore and help you apply new kinds of thinking and approach to create meaningful impact in the world.

Discover nkD
Speculative Design Examples
Speculative Design goes beyond solving current problems, focusing instead on what could happen in the future. It uses design as a tool to create scenarios, products, and services that question current trends and explore the implications of emerging technologies, societal changes, and environmental challenges. Let’s look at some compelling speculative design examples that illustrate the depth and diversity of the approach.
July 31, 2023
Speculative Design vs. Design Fiction
"What is the difference between Speculative Design and Design Fiction?" – This is a question that invites us into a nuanced exploration of two closely related, yet distinct, fields within the broader umbrella of futures design. Both fields are concerned with the future and both employ imagination and creativity to explore possibilities beyond the constraints of current reality. However, their approaches, objectives, and methodologies reveal subtle differences.
July 31, 2023
What is Speculative Design?
Speculative Design explores future possibilities and societal impacts of emerging technology and shifting cultural and social trends, diverging from traditional design to provoke new thought, debate, directions, preferences, and strategy.
July 31, 2023